Friday, September 1, 2023

Friday Finish!

 I was able to finish one piece, that I started this week. They are designs by Cheri Saffiote in the Facebook group we have in her honor. I wanted to play with fabrics and love how the background on this one came out with the cat.

We have been able to get out more, with the nicer weather. Last weekend we enjoyed a walk at the bird sanctuary and then stopped by a local beach. They had a lot of birds in the area, across the street. One area was full of Snowy and Great egrets, as well as a few Blue herons. Migration is in full force, so more birds are stopping to rest and feed before they move south.

Today we took the boys to Mystic Seaport. In all the years that I have lived here and been in Mystic, we have never gone. We got a grandparent pass, so it includes the boys and special events through the year. The boys had fun exploring the shops and the ships.

Of course Alex wanted a photo with all the anchors. We ate in the pub, but the food wasn't that great and found another place that had more kid friendly food, so they enjoyed a plate of fries. There are a lot of things to do and enjoy, so we can visit the ones we missed this time.

I hope you all had a nice week and enjoy your holiday weekend. The apple orchards open for the season, so we are all going to pick apples tomorrow and I am hoping the pears are good this year, I love those too.


annie said...

That is a wonderful quilt! The fabrics work so well together. No one in the world like Cheri! No wonder so many people are still following her type of creativity in their work. I love your cat!
Your boys must have had a ball. It looks like a great place to visit. We get blue herons here now, they were not here when I was young. They are fun to see out around the river. There is also a flock of Canadian geese that are nearby year round now, that is another change that was not here years ago. Their habitates have changed so much. I don't want to think about cold weather just yet. Annie

acorn hollow said...

Wonderful time with the boys! Great quilted piece

Internet Roulette said...

Thanks for taking the time to create such a helpful blog

Rugs and Pugs said...

Your cat applique is so sweet!

TheCrankyCrow said...

I really love your little kitty quiltlet!! I've not heard of Mystic Seaport, but it looks like fun. I take it those are real ships? So many of the seasonal birds here have moved on already. It's weird when the temps are so high...but they know more than we do. ~Robin~