Today was a cloudy day, and since we were not sure if it would rain, we decided to do some shopping and see how the weather went. I hit the Pfaff shop and got a new foot for my machine. I have a closed foot, I use for free motion and I cannot see where I am going, so I got myself a real free motion foot. And we also hit the folk art quilt store and I treated myself to some sale fabrics and a yard of tea stained. I love using the tea stained for applique and stitched sayings.

Then we hit the thrift and an antique consignment. Nothing in the antique store, but at the thrift I found this set of vintage linens. I think they would be great with some prim stitcheries and a walnut bath.

The great thing about shopping in the southern area, is we are close to the ocean. So, of course our next stop was the breakers at Point Judith. It was a cloudy day, but not raining and the air was so fresh and clean feeling. This is one of the interesting stories about how it got it's name. A Nantucket sea captain, lost in the fog off the point. The captain's daughter shouted that she spotted land. The captain, unable to discern anything in the fog, exhorted his daughter to "P'int, Judy, p'int!"
You can see the light going on, in this shot.

The breakers were a perfect place to walk today. The tide was low and no waves threatening to splash you off;)

We walked almost to the end, but at that end point, it is covered in Seagull poo. It is gross and all over the rocks, at the far end. Today they were on the beach, fighting over tidbits in the shallow waters.

For some reason, they weren't interested in this guy. This is a skate, they taste a lot like scallops. Seagulls are scavengers, but I guess they weren't in the mood for skate.

Coming back from the beach, we enjoyed the sweet smell of the wildflowers.

All this rain has turned everything into a lush garden. The dune was covered in wild roses.

As we were leaving, the ferry and a trawler were coming into port. It was a wonderful day out and fun having a vacation at home. Tomorrow more rain, so we will work on the house and my husband can finish the wainscoting in the bedroom. Don't forget, comments left in each blog this week, count as an extra entry into the contest.