I finished my pin keep, and then I went to take pictures. The moment I turned on my camera, it started making a funny motor sound and it wouldn't let me take a photo. Everything else works, but not photo taking, errr. I was cleaning it before hand, so I thought I might have done something to it, then I remembered our kayak trip. Bringing back my gear, I was swarmed by mosquitos and I dropped my gear to grab the bug spray. What I didn't think was, I had my camera case too and that got thrown to the ground, duh. So maybe I broke something. I am getting a nice new one next month, but I can't go without a camera that long, lol. I have an old sony, so today I figured out how to use it again and too some photos with it. At least it works and I can work on my settings to try and get better photos, but for now, you will have to put up with grainy photos. This was on night shot, it was the only way I could get it at night and still be able to see it.
The original idea came from an antique pen wipe, the hearts and hands. I loved the old look and wanted to reproduce it.

Then I decided it needed more items, so I added inner pockets. This is going to be a gift, so I sewed on the wool floss applique, at the tops only and left the middle section open, then I wound the real floss around them. This way she will have some hand dyed floss to use and she can store some of hers, that way too. The floss is a lot nicer looking than the picture.

For the other side, I went with a long pocket, so it can be used for skeins or whatever she wants to put in there. I will be adding some goodies to it later, before I send it out.

I added a strip to the outer, middle edge to give it support and a button closure, with a little extra room for when it is full of goodies. I made an applique on the outside and wondering if I should add her name to it too. I hope you like it and wish I could show the true prim look, it has been antiqued with walnut, as well. Tomorrow I will have to see if I can get better photos outside.