Sunday, August 24, 2008

River Kayaking

Today, I decided it was a good day for a river paddle, so we paddled a section of the Pawcatuck river in Bradford, Rhode Island. I say a section, but it was 3 miles one way and we had to come back too. This is a nice launch, sandy and open with lots of parking, so it is a good place to start.

It is a long windy river. The river itself runs from Wardens Pond out to the sea. It is a long and windy river, but a beautiful place to paddle with long stretches of untouched wilderness.

Our favorite place to stop is a wilderness camp owned by the state park system. You can camp here, but we find it a great place to rest and cool down in the cold waters.

Our destination was the rapids which was once the site of an old mill.
It was a long paddle for me and we still had to turn around and head back.
It was a tough paddle for me, but it was fun and nice to get out on another beautiful day.


Jennifer said...

very beautiful scenery, i like it

but i haven't opportunity. so i very admire you

JoJo said...

How beautiful, Debbie, and such a nice way to spend the day. Kayaking sounds like fun but I'd never be able to sit/kneel in the kayak. But I do envy you the opportunity and the scenery to do this.

WoolenSails said...

Well, I cannot paddle that long either, body isn't what it used to be;) The bad thing about rivers is you paddle till you hit the end, then you have to paddle back, lol. I felt it all the way, need to get a cushion for my seat.
