Friday, October 4, 2024

Working on!

 Last weekend we finished our camping trip and on Monday, I woke up sick. At camp, lots of people stopped to pet Bean and talk and a few wanted to look inside our trailer, so not sure if someone gave it to me or I got it while shopping. It's been a rough week but I am finally at the end of it and feeling better today. 

Since I did not want to just sit and be miserable, I made up a project to keep my hands busy. I took snowflake fabrics and made up a table topper, for my side table. Just basic stitching and I will probably just do an X in the centers. 

On the last day of camp, we got a nice walk in at the beach. The tide was low, so we were able to walk to the end.

And I was able to spot a Semipalmated Plover on the rocks.

And they I decided to go to the bike store and check out the electric bikes. I ended up getting a good deal on a basic street bike. It is easy to peddle and when I need to go up hill, I just hit a button and the motor kicks in. You have to peddle for it to work, but going up hill is like going on a flat surface, with the peddle assist. So, now I can bike and go up hills, but I didn't think, it is a street bike and I felt every bump, so not sure if it will do well on trails. For now I can ride on easy roads and build up my strength, then I can use my mountain bike, with shocks, on the paths.

Today I was feeling good enough to walk at our favorite beach. It is private but no one cares after the season. It is mainly flat and a good place for Bean to play and swim.

And when I got home, I was visited by a Praying Mantis. He was just hanging out and resting. Then a Dove came up behind it and a sparrow landed in front. They were just coming to the feeder, but the Mantis went into attack mode. It is funny, because both birds took off.

I read that they bring good luck and right after, I went onto the computer and found a waterfront opening at the campground, so that is where we are going again, next week. 

I hope you all had a good week and not affected by the rains and flooding. Prayers for those that are.

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