Friday, September 27, 2024

Weekly outings!


This week we have been at camp, so no crafting got done, just lots of walks and sight seeing. One of the things I have never done is walk along the sidewalks in town. We parked at the boat launch and started our walk into the boat yards, where all the fishing boats dock. One thing that I liked was, the lobster guys, sell fresh lobsters on the docks, so if I ever want to get some, I know where to go.

We walked the entire length down to the end and Bill had to get himself some ice cream. We enjoyed seeing all the boats along the docks and if I hadn't had Bean, I would have been tempted to go in for lunch at the docks.

We came back to the bridge and I caught a few birds in the area.

And we ended that night with another beautiful sunset.

Another day we went for a walk along the cliffs. The waves were coming in heavy, but always beautiful scenes from this area. I even found a beautiful piece of blue glass that has splashed onto shore.

This area is slowly losing a lot of ground, a popular spot to sit when the tide is down.

There are always boats coming and going, we watch some at the breachway and some from the beach.

And this is the time the Pipers are at the beach, some sit still long enough for a photo.

We had a few cloudy nights and some rain, but even before the sun sets, it is beautiful to watch, before the clouds swallow it up.

One day we rode to the other side of the cove and I got some shots of the migrating birds. A variety of Egrets and Blue Herons.

Yesterday we got out for a bit before the rains came and went home for the night. I did loads of laundry and Bill cooked to dinner. Today we had a little sun but it was nice at the beach and I caught this girl surfing at the end of the beach.

And the fishing boats were coming back with their hauls, along with the ferry. Another group of pipers and the Cormorants were sunning on the rock. It is always nice to enjoy the beach when the crowds are gone and Bean gets to fun free, which he loves.

One more day and then we go home. With the leaves starting to change, we are hoping to get out for a few foliage weekends. I hope everyone is well and not in the path of the storm. I was able to catch some of the videos and photos and I feel for those who have been affected by its wrath.

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