Friday, September 13, 2024

Friday Finish!


First I want to thank those who comment, I appreciate them all, even though I don't always reply to them all. This week was a lot of catching up, but I always like to have a project to do. Since we are going on trips and getting into hiking weather, I thought I would make up a few rocks to hide.

I found the designs on the web and I hand draw the design as best as I can, with my fabric marker. I have been using my paint pens, since I have quite a few and I want to use them up before they dry up. I do think I like painting better, for better control on colors and shading, but the pens are easy to use.

Last weekend it was cool enough to go for a walk at the bird sanctuary. We saw turtles enjoying the sun and an Osprey hanging out in the cove.

In another side I spotted a group of swans and an Osprey flew over with a fish, but I didn't catch him in time and had to shoot from a distance when he landed in a tree.

The nice surprise was when we came inland and spotted a Green Heron, fishing in the pond.

Another shot after he had his meal. He had dove in and caught a huge frog, but hid in the bush to eat it. I couldn't believe he ate something that big.

Down the road, at another beach area, I found a large group of egrets. Lots of birds are migrating now and will gather in the cove areas.

And sitting above them were a few Blue Herons. It is nice to have an extended summer and this weekend will be warm again. Hopefully we can get into the launch and get some swimming in and a little boating tomorrow. This week I will be getting ready again, we have a site at the local camp again, and this time we have back to back weekends. After that I am hoping to get out for some fall foliage tours. 

1 comment:

TheCrankyCrow said...

I would be over-the-moon thrilled if I found one of your rocks. They're wonderful!! And your bird photos, as always, are second to none. You really have an amazing variety of birds and wildlife. I especially love the photos of the egrets and blue herons. Gorgeous! ~Robin~