Friday, April 7, 2023

It's Friday


Yes, it's Friday and I never got the things I started, finished. It's been a busy week and a tough week. A good friend has been in the hospital and it has been touch and go and today it looks like another turn for the worse, so she may not make it.

I know quite a few of you know Cyndi Lott from our groups, so if anyone needs prayers and a miracle, it is Cyndi. My heart is breaking for her and her husband, who is beside himself and has no support from family.

Our weather is getting nicer, which is nice, since I can get out and clear my head and get some exercise. We were able to take a hike to the Heron heronry. It is very swampy and overgrown, so hard to get a good clear shot without standing in precarious areas, between trees. But I got a few good shots.

This pair was building their nest.

And doing a little love dance.

And this is where they were at, quite a distance and a lot of nests. There are still quite a few empty ones, so more will be coming in, to nest there.

Another day we took a walk at a local park. The river was running full and fast, so it was nice to hear it as we walked along the path.

Today we took the boys out. Fishing season starts tomorrow, so we got them new pools. After lunch we took them to the playground and on the way home we stopped for a hike at a bird sanctuary. 

It was nice getting out with the boys, always brings me joy and lifts my heavy heart. Sometimes we need some joy to help us get through the tougher times in life. I hope you all have a wonderful Easter.


acorn hollow said...

I am so very sorry to hear that. Sending prayers. You are so lucky to have your boys near. Beautiful pictures as always

TheCrankyCrow said...

Happy Easter Debbie. An uneventful one here once again. I'm glad your weather is allowing you your outdoor time that you enjoy so much. We got another 4" of snow overnight but it has melted quickly with today's milder temps. I just wish the stuff that's been here forever would go. Yes, I recall Cynthia's name - I believe she was in a few of my groups back when I did FB. I certainly will be saying some prayers for her and her husband. Love that first photo of the herons! They're such funny birds. ~Robin~

Rugs and Pugs said...

I did not realize Cyndi had another setback. I will keep her and hubby in my prayers.
Happy Easter

Latvia said...

Thanks for your commitment to helping us learn