Friday, April 14, 2023

Friday Finish!


This week I finally made the time to finish my daughter's quilt. I was working on it for her 30th birthday but we lost her five days before. Over the years I have wanted to finish it, but didn't have the heart, but this year, was the year.

It felt good to finish it and I am thinking we will use it as a family quilt for now. It was a pain to put together, since I used a cutter to make the blocks. I would rather cut the fringe, after piecing. Having them cut before, just got in my way. I had planned on adding another row of denim for the outer edges, since she had a queen bed, but it doesn't have to be that big now, so I left it as is.

We have been getting out more with the nicer weather. We had a nice Easter with the kids, the boys checking out their finds from the hunt.

The next day we picked them up to go fishing. They loved their new poles and I realized I miss fishing, so I got a license, now I need to get a new pole. 

We enjoyed time at the beach, and I spotted this shy gull.

And they are all nesting on the big rock in the bay, all the Cormorants stay on the same rock.

We spotted the Ospreys in the cove, along with two Oystercatchers, a first time I have seen them inland.

In the nearby farm, a lot of birds were gathered in the fields. The Glossy Ibis and Killdeers were wonderful to see.

Today we went back to the beaches. It was really hot the last two days and now there are fires going up in the woods, so it was nice to get away from the smoke.

I got to enjoy watching this new pair, doing their mating dance and showing off.

And the final act, I hope they have a successful year and I get to see their young.

I want to thank you all for your prayers. Cyndi is still in ICU, but she has improved and we are all hoping she keeps fighting. I hope you all enjoy your weekend.


julieQ said...

Very fun quilt!! Those just seem to get better and better with washing. I am so glad you have your babies lovely!

Fiona said...

Your daughters quilt is beautiful.... must have been an emotional finish for you....x I did one like that with a cutter and agree it is much easier cutting after sewing.... I love how they get more snuggly with time

TheCrankyCrow said...

I didn't realize, I guess, that you had lost your daughter. How tragic to lose a child - and the quilt must have some very bittersweet associations. Hopefully it will feel like a hug from her every time you use it. We had unseasonably warm temps this past week but are now under a winter storm watch with 6" of snow moving in tomorrow night into Monday and high winds. U.N.C.L.E. already. I've never heard of an Oystercatcher. ~Robin~

Rugs and Pugs said...

Amazing photos!
Continued prayers for Cyndi.