Friday, February 17, 2023

Friday finish!

 It seems I did a lot this week and got nothing done. I did take down my Valentines decorations and started with Easter. I am trying to cut down on the amount I put up, so things don't look so cluttered, but I know I will end up making a few new things.

I am working on getting some quilts ready to quilt, lots that need to be finished. I also had some new paint markers to test and found out, they are just markers, no acrylic markers, so I had to redo them, with the better markers. Not as good, as when I use paint, and I rushed them, but a lot easier and less messier.

They do look better in person, the fresh gloss, makes them look worse.

Last weekend we took a ride, no luck with birding, but we enjoyed the views and a stop at the Westerly lighthouse.

On Sunday we took a ride to the fish hatchery in Connecticut. I heard there have been eagle sightings there. We got a nice walk in and as I was getting ready to leave, I saw a black bird in the sky. Thinking it was just another vulture, I wasn't quick enough to get great shots.

I caught him as he flew over head. Then he landed on a telephone pole, way up on a hill and then he was joined by his mate. They were too far to get a close up and a river between us, so I couldn't get closer. It was still wonderful to finally find one.

We also saw a lot of other birds in the bushes, most were too busy to sit still and too shy, to let me get close. I think the first are Hairy Woodpeckers, the middle is a  Chipping Sparrow and the last is a Northern Mockingbird.

The Hatchery has a nice walk along the river and into fields, so we will have to go back to that area again. I hope you all had a nice week and get to enjoy getting outside and exploring your area.


TheCrankyCrow said...

No exploring here as we are still covered in snow. Fantastic photo of the eagle in flight. I miss seeing ours at the lake. I hope they are still there and using the nest. Happy Weekend Debbie! ~Robin~

Fiona said...

I love the rock paintings...


Daisy Debs said...

Loving your painted pebbles ! 💗