I had decided to paint a quilt, onto a full piece of plywood, and hang it over my entry way.
I did most of the painting and then put it aside and never finished it. I planned on using black to outline and give it the look of a quilt when all finished, but all it got was musty and spills from something and someone. So, it sits in the cellar and I told my husband to throw it out, but he said he can still use the board, for what, I have no idea;)
It does inspire me to do something similar on wood, but in smaller versions.

I love your blog! Its so cute!
That painted quilt is so gorgeous dont throw it away there must be something brilliant you can use it for??
Oh no! All that beautiful work! Can you cut out some parts and frame them? Or SOMETHING!? Karmen
What a unique idea! Hurry up and make another wood quilt so I can see it!! LOL.
Nope... you're not throwin' that away! LOL! Too much time and detail! Wait until the warmer months come and set it outside to air out... you might have an idea that will be able to save it! :-)
That is so beautiful!
How about applying a gel stain to age it? That would look fabulous!
So please DO NOT throw it away or destroy it!
i think it is beautiful just the way it is and I think you should hang it.
Love your painted quilt! You should bring it in the house and finish it. It's never to late to finish a project. (Lord knows I have plenty of unfinished projects...)
If I didn't live 3000 miles away I'd twist your arm to see if you'd let me take it off your hands. Beautiful! You should go into the barn painting business.
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