Friday, August 30, 2024



We got back from one vacation and I spent the week cleaning up from that and getting the new trailer ready for the next. When you live in a raised ranch, that is a lot of stairs going in and out of the house. Last weekend we enjoyed a day with the boys and they got to sleep over in the RV, which they loved.

We were able to go to the beach for a bit and the boys had fun playing in the waves. Alex wasn't great at the board, he like jumping in the waves more.

Nick loved surfing with the board. The waves aren't big but big enough for them.

After dinner we went back for the sunset and the boys had fun finding hermit crabs in the shells.

As we walked back along the beach, they had fun, treasure hunting. Lots of pails and a few small beach toys.

And of course the sunset.

Today we made it back to the same camp, but a different spot. The driveway is so big, we could fit two campers and lots of grass with privacy trees.

We rested and did a few walks and after dinner, sunset at the beach. Dogs aren't allowed on the beach during the day, so after they close, we can all go. Bean made a new friend. I was surprised at how well he behaved, just sitting while she petted him. Usually he jumps on everyone and tries to give them hugs.

I will leave you with tonight's sunset and wishes that you all have a wonderful holiday weekend.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Week in part!


This has been another whirlwind week. We have been camping and came home today. We also had the boys yesterday and all day today, so I have been going since early this morning and this is the first time I have sat without having to do anything, at least for now. 

The camping was with the RV and we had to take one day to get the new one, but not in time to use it this time. Bill forget quite a few things I had on the list, so we had to buy coffee at the shop and the oven wouldn't work, so that killed some dinner plans. It was windy and cooler, so no swimming or paddling. But, we got lots of walking in, so that was good to build up my legs. We enjoyed the quiet during the week and the sounds of birds in the marsh.

This is the view of our section of the camp, seen from the hill. We are hiding behind the two trees to the right.

I was able to spend time at the end of the beach on our after dinner walks. I found a lot of birds like that area to rest at night.

A Common Eider, resting after a day of fishing.

A large group of Common Plovers taking in, the last of the light.

A first for me, a lone Ruddy Turnstone was hanging out with the Plovers.

On a walk to a local fishing area, I spotted a Cedar Waxwing.

One walk was a long the rocks to the lighthouse. 

Our after dinner walks ended with the sunset. 

And sitting quietly at the trailer to enjoy the last of the rays and the beautiful color changes.

I never got a change to do any drawing, but lots of inspiration for future ideas. Even when things go wrong, there is always good in the day. This is one of my favorite photos that I took on the weekend before. It was on our walk at the lighthouse and this day, a lot of bees were busy collecting pollen. Nature never ceases to amaze me. I have more photos and will share some of my favorites on Friday.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Almost finished!


I got all the stitch work done on my new piece. I still need to add the buttons on the color area. I have a small red heart for one and I wanted to use an anchor button on the other, but can't remember where I put the extras. I am not sure if I should make it into a pillow or a hanging, but I have time since it will be a Christmas present.

As far as the trailer fiasco is going. I joined a group for that type of trailer and saw that the same trailer with a question about towing, with the same truck we have. They all said not to do it, the weight was too much, so now I am debating again. To just cancel and give up for now or go look at a smaller one tomorrow. One has most of the same things, but a big outdoor kitchen, but no indoor table. One has a smaller table, so will decide tomorrow. I really wanted something the family could go in, but if I get bunks I lose the larger kitchens, comfy seats and storage, and that would be nicer for Bill and I.

The photo looks light and bright but the colors are much deeper than they show. I will trim down the border when I decide how to finish it.

We seem to spend more time at the lighthouse, since it is always cooler and the air is so refreshing. It also doesn't hurt that I never tire of the ever changing views.

Lots of wave action with the passing storms.

And with the tide coming in, not the best place to be fishing. It amazes me, how many people stand close to the edges of the cliffs with waves coming in. Every year people are lost who get too close.

Another day we enjoyed a longer walk and just stood and enjoyed the views, along the way. Lots of boaters were out.

Sailboats, Working boats and Skidoos.

And to me, waves are mesmerizing, a few shots with a longer shutter speed.

And in the field, people were flying kites. These two were fun ones. This weekend I need to get things ready for our trip next week, we will be gone till Saturday morning. I am hoping I can just relax, sit in the cove in my kayak and enjoy nature. I hope you all enjoy your weekend and are not getting hit with the smoke, we have had it here, but not too bad.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Still working on!

 It seems the weeks go by and I don't get as much done, as I wanted. Our trailer buy turned out to be disappointing. It seems the previous owners didn't mention that they had a leak, so the whole slide would have to come off, new flooring put in and then back together again. Our dealership was going to do it, but we decided to look at a newer one. I love the new version, but then what do I see in the bedroom, a puddle of water. So, if you ever want to buy a Wildwood, make sure it doesn't have a leak. So, we ended up getting a better trailer that we had before, much better quality. It is a little smaller, but has a real kitchen, recliners and plenty of storage. Perfect for us and enough room for the boys to stay, but might be a bit cramped for the whole family. 

I have been working on my stitchery, lots of work on this one, but almost done. Working on the final touches and embellishments. I plan on doing a multicolor border, so I will be done by next week. Since I am not sure yet, if we can get the new trailer in time, I will be getting the RV ready. It seems a few spiders have moved in and I do not sleep with bugs, lol.

We also went to the town beach, love that it is close so we can go, just for a swim. While we were swimming, the Ospreys were flying overhead and catching fish. It is amazing to watch them as they dive down and splash into the water.

I also noticed some birds at the end of the beach. A family of Laughing gulls and always fun to see the young ones as they learn to fish on their own.

One day we went to the island for a swim. This is what I spotted on the beach, made me wonder if I wanted to go in the water. It is a Sand Shark, so not too scary.

The water was rough and wavy, but fun to swim in and no crowds.

At home I have enjoyed seeing more young come in. The Cardinals had 2 girls and a boy, but they are shy and fly off when I come out. The other is a female Cowbird, she has been on her own now, and knows where the food supply is.

I hope you all had a good week and not in the flood zones or storms coming through. We have a lot of wind tonight and some heavier storms expected overnight. A nice week coming up, so I hope that you all get better weather and can enjoy the rest of the summer.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Weekend Wanderings!


This week I didn't get a lot done on my new piece, so hopefully I will finish it this week. I am thinking it is time to start Christmas. I have a few unfinished pieces and ones I wanted to make, along with crafts to make, so a good time to get started.

I got a reservation at our favorite spot in a few weeks for four days, so a great midweek break to get out and try the new trailer. Yes, a new trailer, a much bigger one, so we have room for the whole family now. We will keep the RV since it is great for weekends and day trips and some parks have a size limit, the new one is 32 feet. 

We did get out a few times over the weekend and week. We tried the new double kayak around the lake and did much better this time. I like that we can go to the far coves and have a private spot to relax and swim. This is an old camp that closed down and the state just left it, so a great place to stop.

We got to the lighthouse for a nice walk, lots of butterflies now.

And a Monarch

And lots of birds

And a group of kayakers coming in to practice kayaking and landing at the rocks. 

We went to the beach for a swim at the park, afterwards, but I was so busy trying to get photos that I never did get a swim in.

During the week we went to the town beach, close by so perfect for a swim before dinner. This weekend is iffy, rain on and off, so hopefully we can get out for a paddle before it hits. I hope you are all enjoying your summer. I can't believe it is almost over, but we always enjoy being out in the fall, when the crowds are gone.