Friday, June 14, 2024

Friday Finish!


This week I made a lavender sachet. I am repacking my wool into boxes, so I need some new ones to keep it fresh smelling. The free design is by Pinker n' Punkin Quilting and she has a lot of other freebies for stitching and cross stitch. She has a group of heart designs to make into a quilt, I made mine into a heart shape.

Last weekend we were able to take the boys to the Mystic Seaport, for their grand opening of a new exhibit, Voyage to the Deep. It is based on Jules Verne's, Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea.

Lots of hand on activities for the boys to enjoy.

We also walked outside for a bit, of course Alex had to have his anchor shot.

And we toured the Amistad, which is part of this summers exhibits. It was nice to get out with the boys and this weekend will be the last before they leave for England. They are visiting Ivy's sister in London, then she is taking the boys to visit her mom, so they won't be back until August. 

This week my light weight camera is in the shop, so I am hoping it comes back. I have to use the heavier camera, so that is harder when on the go. We have the week off, and it is going to be a heat wave. I was looking forward to doing more kayaking, but it will depend on how hot it gets. I hope you all have a good week and not in areas with extreme weather.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Friday Finish!

 I was able to finish a project this week, a design by Cheri Saffiote. The original was more of a colored drawing on fabric, so I colored mine and outlined with black floss. I changed the layout by adding the saying and mittens to the side, to make it a bit longer. 

Last weekend was Riverfest at Mystic Seaport. I was excited to take the boys, but was told they had a party that day. So, we went by ourselves and found out later, they had the wrong date, so the boys could have come. 

It was nice though, lots of fun for the kids with rides and activity, but we just enjoyed the cool breezes and the live music, while we walked around. One of the highlights was Newfoundland dogs, they pulled the kids in carts and also did rescue training, so that was fun to watch.

Today we went to the island and walked the beach and spent time at the rocky end. Bean enjoyed playing on the open beach areas and I did a little glass hunting and bird watching.

At home, I was greeted by our resident Cardinal. He wasn't happy that the feeder was empty and let me know. I see a lot of areas are having heat waves, we are hot, but we also have ocean breezes. Tomorrow is another big event at the seaport, a Jules Verne exhibit, with a submarine and other fun things for the kids. Hopefully nothing goes wrong and we will be able to take the boys for a few hours. I hope everyone has a nice weekend.