Friday, May 10, 2024

Friday Finish!


This week I wanted to work on a new project. This is a design by Cheri Saffiote and perfect to add to my Summer decor. The original design is four blocks with the same design, so I made mine into a smaller wall hanging and added the saying. I realized after I took the photo, I forgot to add the stars. I have mini star buttons that I will add on.

Last weekend was Alex's first communion. He looked so cute, all dressed up.

And a family photo at the altar.

One afternoon we walked at the local preserve. It is a nice walk through the woods and down to the bay.

On Sunday we went to a local park that had a grand opening with giant trolls, made from found materials. 

And a second one, hidden in the wooded area.

Today Bill came home early, so we headed to the bird sanctuary. It is nice to walk along the paths without the weekend crowds. We got to see the Ospreys, hidden in the back area.

A first sighting for me, a Common Yellowthroat.

Lots of Catbirds in all of the areas, so there are always a few who will come out and pose for me.

A few more of the birds and critters that I could get a shot of. Most were busy flying back and forth and always in tree areas, so I couldn't focus in on them. I hope you have a good weekend and can get out and enjoy nature in your area. With the warmer weather, a lot of birds are coming in and you never know what you will find, if you look up.


TheCrankyCrow said...

So much good in this post Debbie! Your little wall hanging turned out adorable...and how handsome (and grownup!) Alex looks. I just love seeing little (and not-so-little) boys and girls dressed up. That, too, seems to be a dying art. Those trolls are so fun. Do you know if they were done by 1 artist or was it a collaboration of artists? As always, wonderful photos of nature but I love the one of the catbird best. I know they are mischievous little things, but I can't help but smile whenever I hear them. On the cool side here but currently sunny...and they say in the 70's tomorrow. ~Robin~

TheCrankyCrow said...
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Lauren said...

Great family picture and Alex is just too darned cute!
Those trolls are so cool. Lucky you to have found them.
Rugs and Pugs

acorn hollow said...

Wonderful first communion great family picture. You always take nice pictures of nature.
Great finish