Friday, March 3, 2023

Friday Finish!

 I finally finished my blocks by Suzy's Sitcom. I started the blocks, years ago and never finished the rest. When she offered them up again, I did one more and made it into a wall hanging. I like having something that is longer and narrow, to add to a side wall. I hung it on the hooks to get a photo, so I can hang it later, when I decide where to put it.

Another thing I was working on, a puzzle. I have gotten some new puzzles and winter is a nice time to work on them. This one was 1000 pieces, so it took me 4 days of working a bit at a time, on and off during the day. I find it relaxing and once I do one, I can donate them to the local nursing home.

We finally seem to have gotten winter, but at the wrong time. The birds are extra hungry with the snow and cold, so the feeder has been busy. Here are a few of my snowy visitors. The metal bird is a solar feeder, so it lights up at night. I got it for decoration, I really don't want bird poo, all over it.

This Bluejay is a pig, I let him take a few and then chase him off, otherwise he will eat all the peanuts.

The Carolina Wren is coming back again, I think they were hiding out this winter.

We have had more Black-capped Chickadees this year. They tend to get pushed out, by the larger birds. I have the feeder on the porch, so I put out a bit at a time, that way they all get a turn, at different times of the day.

Today we got to spend some time on the island and did a little beach collecting. At one beach, I spotted this Red-tailed hawk. He was on the Osprey nest, scanning the fields for mice.

And this is what I found on the beaches. We came when the tide was coming back in, so the regular collectors got what was on the main beach, I found mine by scanning the incoming tide. The large green piece, was in the water, which is why I wear rubber boots.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend and enjoys some time outside. Or if you are snowed in, time to work on some new projects.


acorn hollow said...

That is a very colorful puzzle makes it fun in the winter. Your stitching is wonderful as always. For some reason we do not have the birds we usually do. Great bird pictures.

Fiona said...

Lovely birds to watch. I do enjoy a jigsaw - must get one out soon..

Great wallhanging.... good to get that finished
