Friday, October 25, 2024

Friday finish and fun!

This week I worked on finishing my Christmas mat. I had different snowflake fabrics and I like how they fit together. It still has enough of a prim look to fit in with my decor, and just enough pop to make it festive. The edge on the front is how it looks, the other edges are a bit messed up looking since I use AI to put it in a new background.


Last week we did some rides and sight seeing. We headed up state and stopped at the Dam. It is always a nice view.

After, we headed back to another pond. We even spotted the eagle, across the pond.

We got a nice walk along the pathways and stopped at the falls. Most of the falls are starting to slow down, with the lack of rain in our areas.

We went into Connecticut and took a scenic route home. Not as much color as I had hoped, but the farms alway offer beautiful views.

Another day we went to Connecticut since I wanted to get one more bag of apples, before they close. We stopped at the Yantic falls.

Another view of the railroad bridge. Even the falls here were light and slower.

We have been getting some light walks in and today we got a longer walk with rougher terrain and hills. I spotted a lot of birds and heard a lot, but none would stay put for a photo.

It is going to get cooler but sunny here so hopefully we can get more walks in this weekend. I hope everyone is enjoying the cooler fall weather and can get out and enjoy walks in your area.

Friday, October 18, 2024

Busy week!

 This week I have been catching up from camping. Lots of cleaning and getting ready for Halloween events. The kids have a trunk or treat so I may go to that and we have some activities in town, so I decided I wanted to have fun this week, and dress up.

I have lots of black clothes, so I have a black skirt, hooded shirt, lace sided jacket and black tights, along with black booties. I also found a hat that I can decorate, I am waiting for black gloves and accessories to add to hat. A bit of mousse and I can frizz or curl up my hair to make it stand out.

I am not sure if you recognize the look, but I was going for the Stevie Nicks look, but most think I am a witch, lol. She has long blond hair with bangs, but I had trimmed mine recently and I refuse to cut my hair into bangs.

We had a nice weekend, a bit cooler and windy, but nice weather for getting out for walks. One beach I never go to is nearby, so we went there and walked on the boardwalk and along the beach. The tide was coming in and the seagulls were waiting for things to wash up.

We also went to the fishing beach to check out the waves. I was watching this boat and as it came around the rocks, it seemed to stop and get rocked around by the waves. It finally started its motor and was on its way, not a good place to stall out.

On the last night, I was on the hill to see the sunset. As I was waiting, a flock of Great Blue Herons flew overhead and were caught by the setting sun.

At another beach we checked out, I spotted a few crazy people, fishing as the tide came in.

I also spotted a group of Cormorants, hanging out in the channel. 

We also got a day to explore the river ways and the foliage. It was raining in the morning but we got a break in the afternoon.

An old mill that sat beside a waterfall dam, but they redid it so the kayakers could get through easier and to help prevent flooding.

And on the other side of the bridge.

While out we went shopping and couldn't resist getting Bean a present. He loves it but hates having his photo taken.

And I am lucky enough to be on a high porch in the back, so I was able to catch the comet. It is still visible but not as much, each night, till the end of the month. I hope everyone had a good week and can enjoy the weekend. 

Friday, October 11, 2024

Halloween fun project!


This week I got an idea for a Halloween banner. I found some fun ghost templates and printed them out on card stock. I left them uncut until I painted them, to save on mess. I used glow in the dark acrylic pain and brushed 3 coats on them. When dry, I added the faces and then cut them out. Simple and fun to do.

I used yarn and threaded it through the tops of the ghosts until I covered the area, I was using.

And this is how they look in the dark. And this is where you can find the templates

Last weekend we took the boys to the orchard to pick apples. It is always more fun with the boys.

I let Nick have his own bag, he loves apples. Alex wasn't in a good mood and he wanted a pumpkin, so I let him pick his own and he was much happier after that. 

Another day we got to walk on a new path. The path goes by a camp and has a path along the fence line. It also goes along a beach area. 

It is a beautiful area, very quiet and I could see the lighthouse on the island, a new perspective.

At the end we spotted a few fishermen, braving the surf.

Last night I was hoping to see a bit of the lights from the Aurora. I didn't expect it to be so bright and so beautiful, it was mesmerizing and I could see it in all directions from my porch. This is one of the photos I captured, with my iPhone.

And another with a different hue.

Today we got to camp. As usual it was windy, very windy. Since I seem to have caught something else, I am taking it easy, no biking or paddling. We went to the fishing area to see the sunset tonight, something we can do from the car or the hill, without walking too much. The clouds turned the sky into beautiful hues of yellows to red.

Looking to the light, the sun cast a reddish glow. Luckily we got a waterfront spot so I can enjoy relaxing and enjoying the views. I did bring some sewing so I can work on that. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Working on!

 Last weekend we finished our camping trip and on Monday, I woke up sick. At camp, lots of people stopped to pet Bean and talk and a few wanted to look inside our trailer, so not sure if someone gave it to me or I got it while shopping. It's been a rough week but I am finally at the end of it and feeling better today. 

Since I did not want to just sit and be miserable, I made up a project to keep my hands busy. I took snowflake fabrics and made up a table topper, for my side table. Just basic stitching and I will probably just do an X in the centers. 

On the last day of camp, we got a nice walk in at the beach. The tide was low, so we were able to walk to the end.

And I was able to spot a Semipalmated Plover on the rocks.

And they I decided to go to the bike store and check out the electric bikes. I ended up getting a good deal on a basic street bike. It is easy to peddle and when I need to go up hill, I just hit a button and the motor kicks in. You have to peddle for it to work, but going up hill is like going on a flat surface, with the peddle assist. So, now I can bike and go up hills, but I didn't think, it is a street bike and I felt every bump, so not sure if it will do well on trails. For now I can ride on easy roads and build up my strength, then I can use my mountain bike, with shocks, on the paths.

Today I was feeling good enough to walk at our favorite beach. It is private but no one cares after the season. It is mainly flat and a good place for Bean to play and swim.

And when I got home, I was visited by a Praying Mantis. He was just hanging out and resting. Then a Dove came up behind it and a sparrow landed in front. They were just coming to the feeder, but the Mantis went into attack mode. It is funny, because both birds took off.

I read that they bring good luck and right after, I went onto the computer and found a waterfront opening at the campground, so that is where we are going again, next week. 

I hope you all had a good week and not affected by the rains and flooding. Prayers for those that are.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Weekly outings!


This week we have been at camp, so no crafting got done, just lots of walks and sight seeing. One of the things I have never done is walk along the sidewalks in town. We parked at the boat launch and started our walk into the boat yards, where all the fishing boats dock. One thing that I liked was, the lobster guys, sell fresh lobsters on the docks, so if I ever want to get some, I know where to go.

We walked the entire length down to the end and Bill had to get himself some ice cream. We enjoyed seeing all the boats along the docks and if I hadn't had Bean, I would have been tempted to go in for lunch at the docks.

We came back to the bridge and I caught a few birds in the area.

And we ended that night with another beautiful sunset.

Another day we went for a walk along the cliffs. The waves were coming in heavy, but always beautiful scenes from this area. I even found a beautiful piece of blue glass that has splashed onto shore.

This area is slowly losing a lot of ground, a popular spot to sit when the tide is down.

There are always boats coming and going, we watch some at the breachway and some from the beach.

And this is the time the Pipers are at the beach, some sit still long enough for a photo.

We had a few cloudy nights and some rain, but even before the sun sets, it is beautiful to watch, before the clouds swallow it up.

One day we rode to the other side of the cove and I got some shots of the migrating birds. A variety of Egrets and Blue Herons.

Yesterday we got out for a bit before the rains came and went home for the night. I did loads of laundry and Bill cooked to dinner. Today we had a little sun but it was nice at the beach and I caught this girl surfing at the end of the beach.

And the fishing boats were coming back with their hauls, along with the ferry. Another group of pipers and the Cormorants were sunning on the rock. It is always nice to enjoy the beach when the crowds are gone and Bean gets to fun free, which he loves.

One more day and then we go home. With the leaves starting to change, we are hoping to get out for a few foliage weekends. I hope everyone is well and not in the path of the storm. I was able to catch some of the videos and photos and I feel for those who have been affected by its wrath.

Friday, September 20, 2024

Final Finish

 This week I have been getting ready for our trip, so not a lot got done in my craft room. I did finish the stitchery and made it into a wall hanging. I added some buttons and an outer stitch and hopefully the recipient will love it. 

Today was cooking, I made corn bread and a big pot of thick soup. I call it a cross between minestrone and  Pasta Fagioli. I make mine with beef and it makes its own broth and then I use petite chopped tomatoes, which I chop a bit more, before I add it.  For vegetables I use frozen mixed veggies, white beans, onion and garlic, so hearty and healthy meal for cooler days.

The weather is horrible, rain this weekend, but Sunday should be better and then a few nice days. It may rain at the end of the week, so it will depend on how bad it gets, and whether I stay all week. Hopefully we can enjoy time outside, paddling and biking. That is the one good thing, cooler weather means I have more energy to do things. I hope you all have a wonderful week.