One of the wonderful things about blogging is you meet wonderful people. I really love reading your messages and opinions on my pieces. I also meet wonderful people while blog hopping. Since I have been doing cross stitches again, I have been visiting cross stitch sites. One of the wonderful people I have met is, Melissa from
Words and Blooms. She does beautiful work on her pieces and I love her cross stitch wall. After leaving a comment she asked if I would like some of her older patterns and of course I said yes. I received a wonderful package with a cross stitch booklet, and two patterns. I decided to start with a piece from "A Sampling of Traditions," by Leisure arts. The piece I am doing is called The Grateful Heart Sampler. I love pieces with sayings, especially inspirational ones. I plan on making a few, along withe some doll quilts to cover the walls in my entryway.
This is what I have finished so far. Today I was not up to par, so I got more work done on it. It is a horrid picture and it does show were I make mistakes;) I am using two strands to give it an antique look. I am also changing a few things to suit my likes and changing some colors. The letters on the original are mixed colors, but I was going with one color. But, I picked up a strand without thinking and by the time I was on the third letter, I realized it, lol. So, I went with it and added two more in that color. Next time I need to take a photo, outside, without flash. It also called for 14 count and I am using 18 count, since i want smaller pieces on the walls.

This is what it is supposed to look like;) I like prim colors, and the house looked more like a cottage, so I changed the roof.

I found this old piece, that I was working on in the 80's and never finished. It has an alphabet going around it. I have no idea where the book is and if I still have it. Time to clean out the basement. I love comments and if you have questions, I always leave an answer in the comment section.
As you can see, my eyes were better, 30 years ago;)