Today I received two packages, I feel spoiled.
The first was from Bren, Hey Diddle Woolies. She belongs to our ebay group, USAPRIM and was a prize giver in one of our contests. She didn't just send a prize, she went through the trouble in making me a wonderful quilted piece, that I can enjoy in my home. I can't believe how thoughtful it was and was never expecting something some wonderful. And to top it off, she sent me beautiful wools from her stock. New wools are a treat for me and I will definitely use the wools in my next big rug. I want to make a large rug for my living room, so I have been keeping all the nice wools that people send me, along with some I bought, so this year I will design and work on it.

The second package was from my friend Kelley. She truly spoils me. Not only does she make me wonderful gifts, but she always sends me beautiful fabrics and books from her stash. I am really going to have a ball this year, making quilts with all of the fabrics she has sent me. I love the punch needle sheep, they look good on a shelf, standing against a prim box that I have. The punched pillow is now in my box shelf with some strawberries and a pear, that I made. I can't wait to start some patterns in the books and enjoy reading the copies of Mercantile Gatherings. This magazine is coauthored by TIffany, the same woman who makes the wonderful patterns, that I use in some of my punches.

Now the goof? Who else, buy Izzy. Izzy who does not seem to have a very good memory and didn't learn her lesson yesterday. My brother was visiting and had the door open while he said goodbye. Izzy with her one track mind flew out the door and into a deep snow drift. The poor girl was mortified when she landed and sunk into the snow. She was crying and struggling to get up and out of the snow. Will she ever learn?

Aren't friends wonderful? You are truly blessed. What a beautiful quilted piece! All those pattern to choose from. I think you will be a very busy person next year. :-))
Wow...those are some great gifts from Bren & Kelley! Merry Christmas!
Oh my goodness. Maybe tuxedo cats have a memory gene missing. My Kitten keeps clotheslining herself when she tries to jump on the corner of the bed. I was blaming it on her one-eyedness. Karmen
Poor Kitty! Maybe the third time will be the charm? Your gifts look wonderful, have fun playing with all of that wool!
I'm cracking up here about Izzy...oh yes likie your gifts but your kitty is just too darling! Happy Holidays!!
What sweet gifts you received. I love the wool also and I've been collecting some. I even found some nice 1 yrd pieces at a thrift store for .5oc. That Izzy is one crazy cat. LOL
Wow you must have been a very good girl Debbie - wonderful gifts - can't wait to see what you do with all the patterns and fabrics! I'm sure you won't let it sit around. Love the shots of Izzy in the snow - too funny - I can well image her shock!
Wow if you are getting this lucky with opening your mailbox..can you imagine what Santa will bring!! haha
Merry Christmas!
What wonderful gifts indeed! :) Lovely & truly a treasure! :)
You know, I would be as shocked as Izzy! bbbbrrrrrr
Silly kitty!
Your friends sent you some fabulous gifts. The little punchneedle pillow is so sweet.
Have a Very Merry Christmas!
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