Saturday, September 12, 2009

Silly Saturday

Today I worked on my big runner some more. Just a bit more on one end and some little spots and I can go onto the border. The border will go faster, so hoping to have it done next week. Since I have nothing to show, I thought you would like to see the kitties are their best and worst.

Izzy like most cats loves my rugs, she sleeps on them and likes to hide in them while I am working. Her favorite game is hide and attack. Dora could care less, if I don't have a frame she can crawl into, she wants nothing to do with me. And yes, I like to wear silly jammies, these have bright colored kitties on them.

The cats love to play on the stairs, so I thought, why not put catnip on the stair rug. I took from another bag this time, I think this stuff was much more potent, lol. Dora starts out with her rolling and cute and as you can see by the progression of pictures, this is what she turns into. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

(This is really scary, you do not touch Dora at this stage;)

Izzy made the mistake of trying to join in on the fun. Izzy is not too smart, Dora plays rough, even when she is not on catnip.

And then she calms down and we are back to her cute phase.


  1. wonderful pics of the the catnip on the stairs idea...looking forward to seeing some rug photos soon...

  2. The warewolf of catville! Those sure are some scary pics of Dora!!! Yet totally FUNNY too! I don't think I'd be able to hold the camera still, I'd be laughing so hard! Yah... methinks I need a cat now... ;-)

  3. Fun kitty pics! :) Looks like they are quite the comedians. I too can't wait to see your finished runner!


  4. ROFLOL How perfectly funny! Love this post ~ thanks!

  5. OH your kittys are too the stages that she went through..isn't catnip fun...we have a big plant growing in the back yard and break off leaves for is fun to watch then roll and eat it and just carry on..the dog thinks he likes catnip too..gotta be like his sissys I suppose..:)

  6. I'm going to go get a cat! oops my schnauzer says...she thinks NOT. She is not so welcoming.


  7. Great pics of your kitties!! Too cute with that catnip...even when the one looked evil!!

  8. Very fun little kitties-don't they have great personalities? Such fun!
    Thanks for sharing-made me smile BIG
