Friday, February 23, 2018

Friday's Progress

This week I had big plans, one of them being, painting my angel. But, on Tuesday I went to the store and started feeling off and by the time I got home, I realized I had the flu, ugh. So, I took my med and even though I had the flu, it has lessoned the symptoms, but my energy l level was at an all time low. Today I finally felt good enough to get some things done.

One thing I did do, was to prep some stocking blocks and I made up six more, something to keep my hands busy while I rested. Today I added the sashing to see how they looked. Unfortunately I cannot get a good photo, some colors washed out and the red sashing looks too bright. It is not an exact match, but more prim than it looks in the photo. I want to use what I have, and I like the idea of a pop of red.

This is what I have so far, I wanted to see how they look together. Now I need to add some new colors, definitely some golds. Once I have a few more extra colors, I can start sewing them together and build it up. I want it to be big enough to use.

Once it is sewed together, I can hang it somewhere with better light. The blocks are 10' x 7 1/2', and the sashing is 2". I use a 1/4" seam when sewing, so a bit smaller when sewn.

One thing I got while shopping, a new cabinet for my beach room. I realized my wall shelf didn't have enough space to hold my paints, so now I have plenty of room for paints and other items. Bill is building me a long cubby stand to put it on, then I will put my white washed crates in that. I couldn't attach it to the wall and reach the shelves, so this way it will be off the floor but not too high.

I had found some more old slides and this one bought back wonderful memories. Next month, Billy will be 36, doesn't seem that long since he was the little boy I remember. Tomorrow is going to be nice, so hoping to get out with Nick.

"Billy Goats"


  1. Say, let me know when you need my address so you can send me my new stocking quilt - wink, wink. Also, love your new shelf. That will be handy. Sorry you got that flu. Keep taking care of yourself so it doesn't hang around. Have a great weekend.

  2. LOL! I think we all want that cabinet! I what a wonderful find Debbie. Hope you are back up to strength soon. I've never tried any of those flu meds to lessen your symptoms, I'm glad they worked for you.

    Your stockings are looking great.

    Love the Billh Goat picture!

  3. Sorry you have not been feeling well. Love the stocking quilt. Try not to over do and get rest.

  4. So glad you are feeling better, Debbie!! Your stockings are darling and I am LOVING your new shelves!!

  5. The stocking blocks are looking very good even though the photo does not show the color exact. I can imagine the color.
    I can see your new cabinet as being very handy for its intended use. One of these days, you will have your beach room just as you want it.

  6. There is a lot of flu going on around here and half the people you see are wearing masks ... whether to keep out the germs or keep from getting them from others, it would be hard to tell. The stockings are looking good!

  7. I hope you are feeling better!
    Sweet pic of your Billy :) My Billy will be 39 this summer and I wonder how the heck that can be possible!
