Monday, December 26, 2016

The day after!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, or just a good day for themselves celebrating in their own ways. We had a nice time with the kids, it wasn't perfect but spending time with the family is what was important.

My son decided he wanted to cook and he wanted to smoke the turkey. Well, he put the turkey in and a few hours later the power went out. It was a few hours, but it finally went back on so we ate a little later, but that was ok. I am not sure what he did with the turkey when the power went out, but from the gastric distress we got after, I would say he might have let it sit out too long;)

We relaxed at home in the morning, still fighting off our own flus so we enjoyed some quiet time and a little Christmas with Bean. Bean loves presents and knows a wrapped package means a treat for him. He loves his new colored balls.

I didn't go overboard with the kids, Alex is too young to care so he got more clothes and Nick got some trucks to go with his big block set. I also got him a coloring set with a magic marker, it only shows color when he draws on the book, so that saves on marks all over the house. Alex has a unique way of opening presents, he uses his teeth but he loved ripping them open.

Alex is also getting his personality, he was making a lot of funny faces at me, maybe because grandma makes them back.

Nick loved all the attention I gave him and the presents. A set of books with an electronic reader, he loves anything electronic, so a good way for him to get into reading, his way.

The boys are ready for dinner, was hoping to get all the family at the table, but the boys were happy to ham it up for me.

Now it is time to get back to normal life again, whatever that may be and where ever my creative motivation takes me. Lots of projects to finish and new ones to start and ideas to try. I hope everyone has a wonderful week and can enjoy creating new things for the new year.  Here is a blast from the past. I got a new dress for Christmas and it wasn't home made, lol.


  1. To me, the greatest joy of gifts at Christmas is the children's excitement at opening the packages. So much fun.

  2. your grandboys are just the cutest. I am glad they had a wonderful christmas.

  3. Nothing better than Christmas with family and particularly the littles. Goodness, you're lucky you didn't have to go to the ER with food poisoning.

  4. What a wonderful celebration....thanks for sharing the pictures.

  5. Looks like a nice day for all. Love your last picture. My mother made all my clothes when I was growing up. A store-bought dress was a real treat.

  6. Celebrating Christmas with children is the best!!
    I always enjoy pix of Bean.
    Enjoy the rest of the week, Debbie.

  7. Great pictures of Nick and Alex. Christmas is so much fun with little ones.
    Hugs :)

  8. You have the sweetest grandsons! Don't they bring joy to any celebration!! Wishing you health and happiness and more snuggles with those adorable boys in the New Year!

  9. I love all the pictures from Bean to family, but the thing that gave me the biggest chuckle was the dress. 99% of what I wore was either hand-me-downs from cousins or home-made from feed sacks. I do remember a fuchsia taffeta dress ... several sizes too big so I could wear it for many years ... that came from my great-aunt. Actually, I have to admit that fuchsia is my least liked color ... even today.

  10. Some great old and new Christmas memories!

    Sorry you aren't feeling well, I'm waking up with sniffles that linger and go away, so I'm happy with my own company and not sharing bugs.

    Cute pic tea of the boys.
