Saturday, August 24, 2024

Week in part!


This has been another whirlwind week. We have been camping and came home today. We also had the boys yesterday and all day today, so I have been going since early this morning and this is the first time I have sat without having to do anything, at least for now. 

The camping was with the RV and we had to take one day to get the new one, but not in time to use it this time. Bill forget quite a few things I had on the list, so we had to buy coffee at the shop and the oven wouldn't work, so that killed some dinner plans. It was windy and cooler, so no swimming or paddling. But, we got lots of walking in, so that was good to build up my legs. We enjoyed the quiet during the week and the sounds of birds in the marsh.

This is the view of our section of the camp, seen from the hill. We are hiding behind the two trees to the right.

I was able to spend time at the end of the beach on our after dinner walks. I found a lot of birds like that area to rest at night.

A Common Eider, resting after a day of fishing.

A large group of Common Plovers taking in, the last of the light.

A first for me, a lone Ruddy Turnstone was hanging out with the Plovers.

On a walk to a local fishing area, I spotted a Cedar Waxwing.

One walk was a long the rocks to the lighthouse. 

Our after dinner walks ended with the sunset. 

And sitting quietly at the trailer to enjoy the last of the rays and the beautiful color changes.

I never got a change to do any drawing, but lots of inspiration for future ideas. Even when things go wrong, there is always good in the day. This is one of my favorite photos that I took on the weekend before. It was on our walk at the lighthouse and this day, a lot of bees were busy collecting pollen. Nature never ceases to amaze me. I have more photos and will share some of my favorites on Friday.


TheCrankyCrow said...

Sounds like a wonderfully revitalizing week. And, as for me, having an non-working oven might not be bad thing? ;-) Fabulous photos as always - yes, that last one is amazing! ~Robin~

Anonymous said...

Your photos are always so interesting to see! It makes you realize what all is going on around you that you just have to stop and pay attention. There is so much to see that gets taken for granted. I absolutely love your sunset picture, that bird was in the right place at the right time!! Thank you so much for posting your beautiful pictures. You have a keen eye!!