Friday, May 24, 2024

Friday - almost finished!


I worked on my wall hanging this week, something I started over 15 years ago. I can't believe how much time has gone by since I started some projects. I was planning on giving this one to a charity auction for our local shelter, so now I will keep it for now. 

I still have to put some detail on two leaves and I am thinking of putting a saying, Dog days of summer. I have quilted it and done the edge, but I can still work stitches without going through the back, since it is so thick. The bee and grasshopper are designs I got from Wee Folk Art. If you go to her appliqué designs, on page 11, you will see the grasshopper and the story behind it. I was the reader who asked for one.

I will take another photo when I finish the rest. I cannot remember where I got the dog from, the flowers are from books I have and the butterflies were probably from clip art.

This week we missed watching the Viking ship, as it left port from Mystic, so we headed to a beach, further down and were able to watch it as it was making its way to Newport. It will wait there until it is picked up by a cargo ship, to go to Norway. It was far away, so the photo is a bit off.

On the way to the beach, we stopped at the falls. Will all the rain, they are funning faster than usual.

Another day we went for a walk at a nearby park. The falls were heavy there, as well.

During our walk, I was lucky enough to spot another Ovenbird. I use Merlin bird sounds, which is a free app. It tells me what birds are in the area and when I say Ovenbird, I kept looking towards the sound, until I found him.

Today we took a ride around the beach areas, but most were too crowded to bother going to. We decided to stop at Black point, a nice walk along the cliffs and lots of birds. Of course they were all hiding on me, but I enjoyed the walk and the cool breezes coming off the bay.

At home, I have enjoyed all the birds and so far, just sparrows with young, who are quite annoying and noisy. I did spot the House wren making a nest in the old bird house. I also got two blueberry bushes and so far they are doing well with the replanting. I also noticed strawberries on the bushes that Ivy gave me a few years ago, so I am cleaning out the area to give them more room to spread and a fence to keep the critters out.

I hope you all had a nice week and not in the paths of the horrible storms. This weekend is birthdays for everyone, but taking it easy this year. 


TheCrankyCrow said...

Fun post. Your quilt hanging is adorable - I can't believe you gathered all those elements and put them together yourself. I missed out on the creative design gene. That Viking ship is so cool. What's the story behind it? Is it an actual old ship or a replica? I use the Merlin app too and love it. Sometimes I only think I am hearing one or two birds but when I use the app, discover there a dozen or more. I have quite a few house wrens this year. I just love their colorful red tummies. But mine don't have such an impressive house. We had tornados go through last week and I am still picking up things that were blown all over the yard. Thankfully no structural damage other than the mail box and flag post that I can tell. Enjoy your weekend - more rain coming in for us. ~Robin~

acorn hollow said...

Wonderful walks as always, I do think we saw that Viking ship or one like it several years ago on our way out to Star Island.
Bravo for finishing the piece and not giving up on it.